Laser Hair Reduction At Skin Smile Clinic in Bhopal.
It is the Safest, Easy method to Permanently reduce Unwanted Facial and Body hair.
Some Facts Of Laser Hair Removal
It not only help to reduce unwanted excessive hair growth but also it help in hormonal conditional such as women regularly facing this issue hirsuitism, pcos in which women get excessive hair growth or male pattern hair growth.

There Are some old methods of hair removal such as shaving, plucking, or waxing which are known being temporary, time-consuming, and messy, but results are more important which is none.
In these old methods of hair removal, we never got reduced hair growth, the growth is either increased or as same as previously.

The common side-effects we saw razor bumps, acne like breakouts, redness, rashes.
Lets understand our hair cycle.
3 stages of growth:
Active Growth Anagen: Regressive Catagen Phase: Resting Telogen Phase
In laser hair reduction the laser target anagen phase because in this phase the hair follicle has bundle of melanin pigment.

Painless Laser Hair Removal At Skin Smile Clinic Bhopal
At Skin Smile Clinic we have World best Laser that is ALMA Laser which is USA FDA Approved Machine.
Alma has SHR technology with gradual heating damage the Hair Follicle and the hand piece outer covering has cool temperature which prevents skin injury avoid burns and enhances results.
Alma laser at Skin Smile clinic Bhopal give safe quick results. Because of Advance Technology client get Painfree Laser Hair Reduction which is safe and hygienic

Laser Hair Reduction can be done at any Body Part.
Laser Hair Removal By Alma laser At Skin Smile Clinic Bhopal can be done on All over Body parts, including the Private areas, It is Safe Technology for men, women, Transgender.
Body parts can be treated:
- Armpits
- Back
- Bikini area
- Chest
- Face, especially the upper lip and chin
- Legs
- Neck
- Shoulders
The procedure of Laser Hair Removal At Skin Smile Clinic is simple in which a laser emits a light absorbed by the pigment (melanin) in hair. This laser energy damage the hair follicle and delays the future hair growth.
- Laser Hair Removal effectively delays the Hair Growth for long periods. Multiple Sessions may be needed after that maintenance session may be required which is decided at the time of consultation.
- Laser Hair Removal or correct way to say Laser Hair Reduction is effective for all skin type, hair growth pattern.

Laser hair reduction time duration
Face:15 minutes to 25 minutes.
Hands: 15-20 minutes
Legs:20- 30 minutes
Chest :20-30 minutes
Back: 20-25 minutes
Bikini: 20 minutes approx.
Full body: 2-3 hours
SKIN SMILE CLINIC Cost for Laser Hair Removal
At Skin Smile Clinic Bhopal we do Laser Hair Reduction starting at 1500/- INR per session.
Laser Hair Reduction for Men
For Men In Skin Smile Clinic Bhopal we have Alma Laser A USAFDA Approved device which is painfree due to SHR Technology.
Due to continous motion of handpiece less pain more results.
areas of body part for laser:
- Chest
- Back
- Stomach
- Neck
- Groin
- Backside
- Between the eyebrows
- Ear pinna
In earlier times, what men have plucking, shaving ,waxing which is painful, no results or we can say no hairs for few days.
Then why these old method, in current scenario Laser Hair Reduction is getting popular day by day, at Skin Smile Clinic Client are most satisfied by this Painfree Technology for Laser Hair Removal For Men.
painfree, result oriented, after every session reduced hair growth.Long lasting results.

Trans-Gender/ Person Going for Sex Transition

- Laser hair reduction of Trans-Gender/ for them who are going for sex transition.
- Removing unwanted hair is important for gender identity there are some body parts which has to hair free.
- So guys if you have such issues then Skin Smile Clinic is the right choice.
- If you have thought to change your gender, or trans-gender are you feeling shy, or facing issues in day to day life, recurring pain of waxing, shaving is not the right option.
- Your correct option is Laser hair reduction at Skin Smile Clinic With USA FDA Approved Technology Alma laser.
- Yes you will require more sessions to get the hair free skin.
- Every session has a gap of 21-30 days means a month.
- So, plan accordingly.
Myths and Facts About Laser Hair Reduction
How many sessions usually required of laser hair removal??
what is the gap of days to take next session, means next session distance??
I have heard that after laser hair removal the hair comes back what is the point of taking such costly treatment??
what is the advantage of laser over waxing, tweezing??
what about ingrown hair, is laser is effective???
What Are You Waiting For...
Make an appointment
A Luxury Aesthetics Clinic
Skin Hair Laser Fat-Loss Bride-Groom
Our location
E2/197 Behind Indian Bank Arera Colony Bhopal
Opening Hours
Mon-Sat: 1Pm-7:30 pm
Sun: 12 pm to 3pm
Phone: +91 9691918200